Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Post Physical Therapy!!

On Jan 25th, I had knee surgery to clean up a multitude of tears in the cartilage in my right knee.  While not a huge fan of surgery, it was time to deal with the pain and the inability to function in terms of my lessening mobility.  Dr. Louis Kwong juxtaposed it to a ripped fingernail; if you don't even it out and file it down, the tearing continues until there's nothing left but chronic pain.

I began Physical Therapy (PT) a week later at Joel Scherr, RPT, Inc (in the West Cedar Sinai Medical Tower) with Ernie de la Torre.  I was weak and severely out of shape....beyond what I thought...

I'm thrilled to be able to use my precor elliptical 546 again adding 5 min. increments every few days...today I start at 35 minutes. I already have my big ball for my mini-squats (That doesn't sound right!).. my resistance bands and free weights; I'll use the bottom landing instead of buying a STEP for now.... I just got my multi-position slant stretch board for my calves, legs and back.... I have a REBOUNDER mini-trampoline for jogging and my Pro Fitter Physio Kit for continuing to strengthen my legs and gluts, both due in any day...and now I just have to look into bungee cords for some other forms of strength training.  The only thing missing is Ernie....my Physical Therapist.  Upon viewing Ernie's pix on FB, my husband stated," Oh, no wonder you like going to PT, he looks like a Playboy!!"  Yes, Honey, he does...but a very married one. 

Here's to building strength and maintaining it!

©2012 Rebecca Dru  All Rights Reserved

I choose "Happy"

It takes more effort to be miserable than to be happy and yet so many people choose misery....  Choose Happy...small steps...start finding moments in your day that lift you... focus on them....laugh...heartily...let go of those who drag you down....get rid of the chaos... Find creative outlets; write...draw...paint...snap pix...sing...and laugh, laugh some more... I choose happy!!

©2012 Rebecca Dru  All Rights Reserved