Saturday, December 25, 2010

Stair Climbing on Your Ass for Seniors

Just had a conversation with my dad; he had been asking about Jerry's recovery from recent knee surgery. I playfully told him that Jerry has now graduated from climbing the stairs on his ass to walking them with great agility. My Pops' response, "well, he should keep on doing them on his know, as we men age, we lose our rear ends and we need to do things to keep it shaped. If you don't use it, you lose it!" . I jokingly told my dad that the next exercise video I shoot of him (we've done "Mr. Wilson's Calesthenics; the YMCA exercises" and "Boxing for Seniors starring Mr. Wilson and Tiger") will be "Stair Climbing on Your Ass for Seniors". I said I see so many men his age installing the seat that rides up the stairs, I wonder if those people actually sat down on the step and pushed themselves up, one step at a time, if it wouldn't be better for them. They'd have to work those muscles with each step. He heartily agreed. time I see my Pops....expect a new exercise video!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Our next IN MY LIVING ROOM™ salon is being combined with our annual DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING party.....Jami will be home...she'll be the boss of the kitchen and it will be truly time to celebrate!!!

Quite an evening...Argentinian, Brasilian, Spanish, Barbershop Quartet, Classical, R&B, Pop Musicians, Composers, Writers, Story Tellers, Comedians, Artists, Actors, Triangle Players, people who want to eat, drink and be merry..people who like to cook...people who just want to chat, listen, sing along and have fun! In My Living Room Friday, November 26th, 4:00PM address given 2 weeks prior to event providing you RSVP

If you'd like to perform, please make sure it's LIVE unless you're singing to track.

If you're not on the invitation list, please ask if there's a space for you. This fills up very quickly.

©2010 Rebecca Dru All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Check out my guest blog contribution on FIVE SCRIBE: TAKE BACK YOUR POWER

I say it every day....”Take back your power!”. As artists, we give it up so easily. We bow down to authority. We think we’re not worthy and we allow others to disrespect us. So I’ll say it again....shouting it louder...”Take back your power”....find your sense of self....set boundaries and TELL people what you want.

It seems to me as artists, we have two different arenas in which to take back our power… the creative and the market place.

In terms of the creative arena, your instincts are your talent...they’re all you’ve got. Trust them.

As far as the business.... you can’t take things personally. Remember everyone’s brain is wired differently...people don’t necessarily think like you do. We have expectations that one can read our mind (or our novel or our screenplay) and that we all do things the same way. We don’t. It’s not just about men and women being from different planets....everyone is. You can say something 1000 different ways before the other person gets it...but eventually, if you stick with it, they will.

Find the humor... .don’t take things so seriously...take responsibility for that which is yours and put the rest back on the other person. Remember that when an editor or publisher doesn’t shower attention on you or show you respect, it may have nothing to do with you..and usually doesn’ just happened to be with them in an inopportune moment.

Think about the people on your creative and professional team. Do they enrich your creative process.... what is your purpose for pursuing them?

Why do you get upset when they’re not available to you...who are they to you? If they’re really someone worth keeping on your team, then start developing communication skills. It’s vital for a successful business partnership that you tell them what you want and expect from them. If they’re not someone that gives depth and meaning to your life; to your career; to your creative process - if the feeling isn’t mutual...let them go...clean house.

Speak up! Find a way to talk to your agent, manager, publisher or editor about what is okay and what is not. Don’t go in there and squirm....Take notes...create bullet points, take a deep breath and get oxygen into your brain, stand up strong and say what you need to say in an intelligent articulate emotionless manner. The people who take risks in life are the ones who get what they want.

Take Back Your Power.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bucket List?

Today...I had a private lesson with the lovely and brilliant Wendy Hammers. As an opening exercise...she asked me to write a "bucket list". That was going to be a tough one for me.... I don’t have a bucket list...I don’t know that I believe in them....because I like to live my life that if today were my last day here on earth I am complete. Is there anything I feel missing in my life.... anything I haven't accomplished to make my life full? I love my life...I have everything I could ever want and should I leave....the only thing I can think of missing would be my heart....would be the people I carry in it... I would miss being able to wrap my arms around love....

I’ve traveled to the places in the world I wanted to see.....sure there are always more...but how many beaches.... how many cities... buildings... cultures ... food... can one experience before you realize you have everything that you want inside of you.

I used to dream of singing with a full orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl... I've stood on that stage over a dozen times and looked out at the audience..during one of my husband's rehearsals or before one of his concerts...and now....I don’t care anymore. There isn’t too much more that I want...because truthfully...what I wanted most in my life was love...and I have heart is full.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Musical Guest, Rebecca Dru in: Leftist Ladies and THEE Christian Wright

Ann Oldenberg of USA TODAY said...Anyone who listens will fall under the spell of Rebecca Dru's rich vocals and dreamy lyrics... She's back, after 24 years.... Rebecca Dru at The Santa Monica Playhouse ☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤❤¸.•*¨*•☆☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤❤

Please join us on Thursday, April 8th at 8:00 PM for this eclectic evening of talented artists as they present original works of story and song.

Leftist Ladies and Christian Wright is an evening of solo works in progress featuring musical guest: Rebecca Dru, Essayist: Barbara Friedman, Solo Artists: Mara Shapshay, PJ Dwan, Erin Brown, and Jody Vaclav and of course, the one and only Mr. Christian Wright

Produced by Wendy Hammers

Thursday,April 8th at 8:00PM
Santa Monica Playhouse
1211 4th Street
(a few feet south of Wilshire)
Santa Monica CA 90401

Tickets are 10 dollars cash at door. No reservation required

Join Our Mailing List!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

CHICKS WHO ROCK at The Hollywood Fringe Festival!!!!


Chicks Who Rock & Roll

produced by allison cameron gray, rebecca dru & p. j. dwan, 90 minutes, ages 16+

a world premiere.

PJ Dwan and Allison Cameron Gray and Rebecca Dru wil be performing at the Fringe Festival in Chicks Who Rock & Roll on Sunday June 20, 10pm at the Hudson Theater. A world premier event. Ticket prices tbd. It's going be a fun festival, thank you Hollywood.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sicilian Candied Grapefruit Peels and Grapefruit Infused Caramel with Creamy Pine Nuts

Sicilian Candied Grapefruit Peels
Grapefruit Infused Caramel with Creamy Pine Nuts
I finally caught up with all the peels I had and candied 4 gallons worth of citrus peels. It's interesting to see the variations that arise because, perhaps I got busy doing something else and wasn't paying attention or the peel was a different variety of that particular citrus. In the case of the grapefruit, these peels were slightly thicker than the last batch and took longer to reach the point of translucency. My trick is I slow cook them for HOURS in the simple syrup over a very low heat after initially bringing it to a boil. In this case, the simple syrup became very thick and caramel like and gave a lovely coating to the tangy grapefruit peels. You’ll notice the color is much darker, more orangey than my previous batches, which stayed the color of the yellow fruit. While the flavor is generally intense, so much that it’s hard to eat more than 2-3 strips in one sitting, these are even more so, plus they’re chewy like caramel. I rolled them in sugar and left them overnight on the drying racks, but because of the thicker coating, I had to toss them in sugar again the next morning to lightly coat them.

Usually I save the left over simple syrup and add it to the juice I previously squeezed of that juice. I call it my “Rock Candy Lemonade or Grapefruit Juice” because it gives it that candy type flavor with the acidity of the juice. It really pops in your mouth and is quite refreshing. This time, because the sugar had cooked down, what remained was just needed a little butter and cream, but this time I decided against it. I wanted that creamy flavor so I added pine nuts. I decided against toasting them because I was going for the texture of them with the flavor of the grapefruit. I tried it out before actually following through. It was creamy goodness in my mouth...a taste of heaven. In went the pine nuts...I poured it out on silpat and the next morning, cut them in squares, tossed them in sugar so they wouldn’t stick to the jar and filled it up.

The idea is no waste. Every part but the pith of the fruit is used as well as all the sugar. What’s left over from rolling...goes into the pot for the next batch of simple syrup. It becomes a system that works..and draws me into a zen like trance as I go through the process of creating the peels.

I will say, it’s nice to be done....before we go gleaning’s time for a break and to focus on other creative vices.... but the results are delicious.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rebecca Dru opens Bitter and Sweet Chocolates, The Annual TASTY WORDS™ Valentine's Inspired stories

Thursday was a HUGE day for me as it was the first time in 24 years I sang live. I was invited by Wendy Hammers, the creator of TASTY WORDS™, to participate in her show as the musical guest.
Wendy had been "encouraging" me for MONTHS to sing and I finally took her up on the offer. This show was filled with stories about love and the pursuit of it, just in time for Valentine's Day; a great collection of bitter, bad date stories and romantic tales of joyful and requited love.

She had a terrific line up of writers:
Romie Angelich - Being Mrs Peter Moor
Ken Bank - Velcro Boys
Barra Grant - An Irish Hebraic Love Story
Judith Allen - The Captain (A Love Story)
Dave Kessler - True Stories of Dave Kessler, The Dating Daredevil
Wendy Hammers - Jewish Girl Eats Bacon and Finds God
Dylan Brody - True Romance
with musical guest Rebecca Dru

I loaded my gear in the morning. I'm so glad I bought a new mic. I had picked up a HEIL PR 30 at WLA Music and I love's really responsive to my voice. I just didn't want to start back with a Shure SM's too abrupt. Once set up, I did the sound check with Marjorie Lewis who stopped by to listen...and dance...had a bite with her...relaxed at home with my dogs until it was time to go. I passed by my husband with a big kiss on my way out as he had just returned from an LA PHIL rehearsal...and on my way I went.

You have to understand...I was never going to sing live again...outside my this was a big moment for me...either I was going to love it or not....and baby..I am BACK!! I took those 24 years...and enjoyed my family..and filled it with love...and it made a difference. I'm not doing this for any other reason then for the pure pleasure of it...and let me tell you I had a blast! I did two songs....ANOTHER ONE OF YOU , I wrote with Susan Santiago, which is about meeting someone who's already in a relationship and wishing he/she had a clone. The other was a love song I wrote for my husband. It's the first song in the 25 years we've been together that I've written for him. I started working on a list of why I loved him and realized...I don't need it...I love him JUST BECAUSE. I collaborated on it with a wonderful lyricist out of New York, Carole Blake. Just to side track...I met Carole via my cousin Susan on Facebook. I haven't seen her since I was 3 (and I'm 51 now). I had never worked with someone I didn't know before...but Carole is fantastic! She connected with me on the sentiment of the song. I already had the chorus and the bridge and the line in the verse, " I love the way you...." and she finished it. Now the fun part is she just got married tonight and had been looking for a love song for her wedding.... THIS was her love song that she used for the first dance!

I'm thrilled....I'm relishing in this first performance...I was pleased.... and now I'm getting ready for the next one at The Santa Monica Playhouse on April 8th...where I"ll be doing more songs...songs that are pertinent to my life now. I'm excited!