Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rebecca Dru's Store is up and running...

I've been working diligently the last few days to get my cds and individual songs up on It's quite time consuming but I'm getting there! It's actually a very cool site....amazing what the internet offers.
Come visit.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

To Sing or Not To Sing

I went to a party today......a few people asked me to sing...was going to try out a new song...but it just didn't feel right. Perhaps I was foolish not to take advantage of singing anywhere, but I have to trust my gut.

Susan Santiago is going to write with me...I'm so excited!

Saturday, May 26, 2007


I need's not my forte to write them, but I do know a well crafted one from one that's not and I do know how to polish expections are fairly high....and of course the better I know the lyricist..the better my music (I write to the lyrics..not the other way around).

It's frustrating to me....not to have a stack of lyrics with which to work.
I might actually have to try writing lyrics again after all of these's not a pleasure for me as is composing the music...but it may end up being a necessity if I can't find someone.
Any suggestions?!

I'M BACK....

I'm back....after a 10 year hiatus. I'm writing songs again (as opposed to instrumentals) and I'm even thinking about singing live I used to love getting up on stage...I lived for it. Now, my nerves are getting the best of me. I know all the components that go into performing...the do's and don' to grab my audience...but it's been so long..I could get up on that stage and open my mouth and nothing comes out (I remember that occurring the first time I got up on stage) vibrato, nerves shot to hell; It's like starting all over again. I also want to build up a new repertoire. My songs from the 70's need a dance band..and my 80's songs still get requests after all these years.... and I do love the songs in Italian I did in the 90's....but I need something new. I just want to sit at a piano and play....simply for the love of it.